All congress phases (abstract upload, blind review process, payment confirmation, etc.) will be done only through the congress platform. You have to create yourself an account with your e-mail address and then to upload your abstract selecting the International Congress of CESH, because the website is common with another UNEFS congress.
- Abstract
- Title of the paper
- Lenght = minimum 250, but abstract should not exceed 500 words
- Keywords = 3 – 5 keywords
- To propose a title and an abstract please [click here]
- Presentation:
- 20 minutes
- PowerPoint in English
- Presentations will be discussed at the end of the panel to permit people to go from one panel to another to watch a particular presentation.
- How to upload a presentation:
- Go to the congress platform with a [click here] ;
- Press the „Register” button and make your own account;
- Authenticate yourself with the account that you have created;
- Press „Propose Paper” from the top bar;
- When the „Propose/update abstract” section will open, please select the domain „International Congress of CESH” and section „International Congress of CESH”, then write/paste your abstract;
- Press „Submit” and wait the e-mail from the scientific committee. It will arrive in May 2022.
- For any suggestions and questions do not hesitate to contact us at